Category Archives: Official data

Social Trends 41

As previously noted (, Social Trends, the compilation by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) of social data from governmental and other sources, is now only published online, and in serialized form. The latest version of the chapter on lifestyles … Continue reading

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Who Worked on Christmas Day? Not All the Clergy!

Christmas Day may be both a religious festival and a secular public holiday in Britain, but many people have to, or choose to, work on the day, according to newly-released data from the Government’s Labour Force Survey, which interviews a … Continue reading

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Understanding Society

On 13 December the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) made an interim release of data for the general population component from Wave 1, Year 1 (running from 8 January 2009 to 7 March 2010) of Understanding Society, the new … Continue reading

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Online Tools for Analysing Religious Data: (1) The 2001 Census

About a month ago I gave a talk at an Open University M.A. workshop on researching religion using online resources. I thought it worth providing a summary of what we covered and the resources available here in advance of a formal commentary paper. Continue reading

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Hate Crimes

Data on the number of hate crimes reported to and recorded by the police across England, Wales and Northern Ireland were published for the first time on 30 November, partly with the intention of encouraging people to come forward with … Continue reading

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Eurobarometer Interactive Search System

To enhance access to its public opinion polling data from 1973 to the present, the European Commission has just released an interactive search system, interrogating a database of results for 56 core questions which have been run over the years. … Continue reading

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The European Commission has recently published Special Eurobarometer 341 on Biotechnology. This is based upon face-to-face interviews by TNS with representative samples of the adult population aged 15 and over in the 27 member states of the European Union plus … Continue reading

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Equality and Human Rights Commission – New Research

We recently highlighted the publication of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)’s first triennial review, and of its relevance for British religious statistics. See We can now report that the EHRC has commissioned two new research papers, which, … Continue reading

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Future of the Citizenship Survey

There have been several posts on the BRIN website this year highlighting key religion-related findings from various reports on the Department for Communities and Local Government’s Citizenship Survey of England and Wales. The Survey commenced in 2001 and currently runs … Continue reading

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