Category Archives: Official data

National Survey of Charities and Social Enterprises

Religion is already a major component of the Big Society, even on a narrow definition, and without taking full account of the wider contribution of faith communities to the development of the country’s social capital. For example, 19% of charities … Continue reading

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Participation in Higher Education and Religion

‘Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs more likely to go to university than their Christian classmates’, proclaimed the headline to Richard Vaughan’s article in The TES for 22 July 2011. The story was subsequently picked up by the Daily Telegraph on 23 … Continue reading

Posted in Official data, Religion and Ethnicity, Religion in public debate, Religion in the Press, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Religion of Prisoners – England and Wales, 2010

32% of prisoners in England and Wales on 30 June 2010 professed no religion, the identical figure to March 2000, although the prison population had increased by 30% during the course of the decade. The proportion of irreligious did not … Continue reading

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British Muslim Students’ Experience of Higher Education

British Muslim students get comparatively low A Level grades, overwhelmingly enter post-1992 universities (former polytechnics), live at the parental home during term-time, and are decreasingly satisfied with the quality of the higher education which they receive. These conclusions emerge from … Continue reading

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Catholic Schools in Wales

There are 93 Roman Catholic schools in Wales, educating 30,350 pupils (6% of the Welsh total). 63% of these pupils are Roman Catholics (66% in primary and 60% in secondary schools) and 18% come from ethnic backgrounds other than white … Continue reading

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Telling the Story of the 2001 Religious Census

Much has been written about the results of the religion question in the 2001 census of population of Great Britain, but rather less is known about how that question came to be asked in the first place. This followed a four-year … Continue reading

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Hate Crime in Scotland, 2010-11

Crimes motivated by religious prejudice rose by 10% in Scotland last year, representing the highest number of charges in that category since 2006-07, according to the report on Hate Crime in Scotland, 2010-11, published yesterday by the Crown Office and … Continue reading

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Public Attitudes to Science

Although not anti-science, people with a more religious or spiritual outlook on life are disproportionately more likely to highlight the limitations of science and to express reservations about the intentions of scientists. They are also the least convinced of the … Continue reading

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School Workforce in England

Just 32% of teachers of religious education in publicly funded secondary schools in England have a degree in a relevant subject, 13% have another relevant post-A Level qualification, but 55% have no relevant post-A Level qualification. This is according to … Continue reading

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British Muslims and the Police

Taken as a whole, Muslims in England and Wales express higher levels of trust and confidence in the police than do the general population, notwithstanding the fact that they report crime and disorder impacts more negatively upon them than society … Continue reading

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