Category Archives: Official data

Chaplaincy to the Armed Forces

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is spending £22 million annually on employing 280 Christian chaplains across the three armed services, according to the MoD’s reply to a request under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act made by the National Secular … Continue reading

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UK Defence Statistics, 2011

UK Defence Statistics, 2011, published online by the Ministry of Defence on 28 September 2011, shows that, compared with the Integrated Household Survey (IHS) for 2010-11, our armed forces remain nominally more religious than the rest of the population (doubtless, … Continue reading

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Integrated Household Survey, 2010-11

The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) is the biggest pool of UK social data after the decennial population census, so there will be special interest in the statistical bulletin containing headline results for the period April 2010 to March 2011, published … Continue reading

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Scottish Social Attitudes Discrimination Module

The level of religious prejudice in Scotland in 2010 was much the same as in 2006, notwithstanding significant legislative and other activities to counter it by both the UK and Scottish Governments during the intervening years. Moreover, Scottish attitudes to … Continue reading

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English Baccalaureate and Faith Schools

A Government press release on 31 August trumpeted that its controversial introduction of the English Baccalaureate (or eBacc) has had an immediate impact on reversing the historic decline in pupils taking ‘traditional’ or more ‘academic’ GCSE subjects. And nowhere does … Continue reading

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Taking Part, 2010-11

My colleague Siobhan McAndrew introduced BRIN users to the Taking Part surveys in her post on 12 April 2010. See: These studies have been running continuously in England since 2005, with fieldwork by TNS-BMRB on behalf of the Department … Continue reading

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Religious Studies GCSEs, 2011

There was a 17.6% increase in the number of candidates sitting the full course GCSE in Religious Studies (RS) in June 2011, compared with the summer before, according to results released today by the Joint Council for Qualifications, and covering … Continue reading

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Religious Studies A Levels, 2011

There were 4.9% more UK candidates sitting A Level Religious Studies (RS) in June 2011 than in 2010, but the proportion of them getting A* and A grades was 2.1% down, according to data released today (18 August) by the … Continue reading

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National Student Survey

There is a very wide variation in the satisfaction of full-time final-year undergraduate students with the quality of the teaching of first degrees in theology and religious studies at UK universities. This is according to results from the National Student … Continue reading

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