Category Archives: Attitudes towards Religion

Wellcome Trust Monitor

Among the datasets released this month by the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) is that for the Wellcome Trust Monitor 1, 2009 (SN 6889). A suite of technical documentation can be found at: The Monitor (expected to be … Continue reading

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Religion in Western Europe and the USA

The latest report from the Pew Global Attitudes Project, on the values gap between America and Western Europe (including on three religious indicators), was published today, with the general headline of ‘American exceptionalism subsides’ (although this was less applicable to … Continue reading

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21st Century Evangelicals – The Sequel

The UK’s evangelical Christians are far more likely to be active in their communities than the average person, according to a new report from the Evangelical Alliance – Does Belief Touch Society? – published on 5 September. Hard copies can … Continue reading

Posted in Attitudes towards Religion, church attendance, News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion and Social Capital, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

YouGov@Cambridge on Religion

On 30 April last, we reported on the virtual launch of YouGov@Cambridge (a collaboration between pollsters YouGov and the University of Cambridge’s Department of Politics and International Studies) and on the interim results from the first annual YouGov@Cambridge census of British … Continue reading

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Scottish Social Attitudes Discrimination Module

The level of religious prejudice in Scotland in 2010 was much the same as in 2006, notwithstanding significant legislative and other activities to counter it by both the UK and Scottish Governments during the intervening years. Moreover, Scottish attitudes to … Continue reading

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Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity

Churchgoing teenagers are the biggest backers of Muslim identity in Britain, according to preliminary research results from the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, and released on 26 July 2011 in connection with the two-day conference on ‘Religion in Education: … Continue reading

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Religion and Belief in Higher Education

Fresh empirical insights into the state of religion in UK higher education are offered in a new report commissioned by the Equality Challenge Unit, undertaken on its behalf by researchers at the University of Derby, and launched on 11 July. … Continue reading

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How Much Does Religion Matter?

Religion plays a far less central role in the lives of Britons than of many other peoples, according to an international Ipsos Global @dvisor survey released on 6 July. Full data tables are not yet available, but a press release … Continue reading

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Attitudes towards Different Religious Groups in Britain: Survey Data Sources

This post highlights some of the survey resources – available for general usage – which allow researchers to examine public views towards religious groups in Britain. The three surveys used are the European Values Study, the Pew Global Attitudes Project surveys, and the British Social Attitudes surveys.
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