Religious census of population (3125)
Type of Data: Religious census of population (3125)
Faith Community: General
Date: 2011, 27 March
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 61371315
Population: Whole population
Keywords: Census of population, National Records of Scotland, Office for National Statistics, religious affiliation
Collection Method: Self-completion household schedule
Collection Agency: Office for National Statistics, National Records of Scotland
Survey Instrument:
Published Source: Jivraj, 'Muslims in England and Wales: Evidence from the 2011 Census', The New Muslims, eds Claire Alexander, Victoria Redclift, and Ajmal Hussain, London: Runnymede, 2013, pp. 16-19 Douglas Field, 'Measuring Religious Affiliation in Great Britain: The 2011 Census in Historical and Methodological Context', Religion, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 357-82Vivianne Crowley, 'Standing Up To Be Counted: Understanding Pagan Responses to the 2011 British Censuses', Religion, Vol. 44, 2014, pp. 483-501British Muslims in Numbers: A Demographic, Socio-Economic, and Health Profile of Muslims in Britain Drawing on the 2011 Census, London: Muslim Council of Britain, 2015David Graham, Health and Disability in Britain’s Jewish Population: Details from the 2011 Census, London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2015David Graham with Maria Luisa Caputo, Jewish Families and Jewish Households: Census Insights about How We Live, London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2015James R. Lewis, ‘Education, Irreligion, and Non-Religion: Evidence from Select Anglophone Census Data’, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 30, 2015, pp. 265-72Khadijah Elshayyal, Scottish Muslims in Numbers: Understanding Scotland’s Muslim Population through the 2011 Census, Edinburgh: Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World, 2016 Steve Bruce and Tony Glendinning, ‘Sectarianism in the Scottish Labour Market: What the 2011 Census Shows’, Scottish Affairs, Vol. 26, 2017, pp. 163-75
BRIN ID: 3125
Different questions were asked in England and Wales (‘what is your religion?’) and in Scotland (‘what religion, religious denomination, or body do you belong to?’) The religious census also took place in Northern Ireland, undertaken by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. Dataset of aggregate data available at UKDA as SN 7427.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…