Multinational survey, also undertaken in France and Germany. The survey of London Muslims was likewise part of the Gallup Poll of the Muslim World, conducted in some 35 countries
Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Attitudes to religious, social and political issues (2908)
Faith Community: General, Christianity, Islam
Date: 2006, 29 November-2007, 18 January
Geography: United Kingdom (adults). Also local survey. Greater London (Muslims). Part of multinational survey
Sample Size: 1204 adults (including a booster sample of London residents), 512 Muslims
Population: Adults aged 15 and over, British Muslim adults aged 15 and over
Keywords: Abortion, adultery, anti-Semitism, atheists, Britishness, cartoons, charitable giving, child pornography, Christians, church attendance, churchgoing, civilians, crimes of passion, crosses, death penalty, democracy, discrimination, education, elections, employment, extra-marital sex, face veils, freedom of speech, fundamentalist Christians, Government, headscarves, Holocaust, homosexuality, honour killings, importance of religion, institutions, integration, Islam, Islamophobia, Jews, judicial system, language, loyalty, media, minority religions, morality, Muslims, national holidays, national identity, neighbourhood, neighbours, newspapers, noble cause, police, politics, pornography, pre-marital sex, prejudice, Prophet Mohammed, purpose in life, racial slurs, religion, religious observance, religious symbols, Roman Catholics, suicide, Sunni Muslims, terrorism, threat to way of life, veils, violence, volunteering
Collection Method: Telephone interview (adults) and face-to-face interview (Muslims)
Collection Agency: Gallup Organization
Sponsor: Gallup World Poll
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 2908
Multinational survey, also undertaken in France and Germany. The survey of London Muslims was likewise part of the Gallup Poll of the Muslim World, conducted in some 35 countries
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…