Demographic profile and church experience of Protestant churchgoers, and attitudes to their faith and to social and political issues (1343)
Type of Data: Demographic profile and church experience of Protestant churchgoers, and attitudes to their faith and to social and political issues (1343)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 2001, 29 April
Geography: England. Part of multinational survey
Sample Size: 107,661 adult churchgoers, 2,316 church leaders, 10,153 children
Population: Protestant churchgoers aged 15 and over, local church leaders, and churchgoing children aged 8-14
Keywords: Baptists, Bible, charitable giving, children, Church, church activities, church attendance, churchgoing, church leadership, churchmanship, Church of England, church schools, community service, confidence in institutions, conversion, evangelism, faith, faith schools, financial giving, God, Holy Communion, importance of God, Jesus Christ, journey to church, Methodism, music, newcomers, outreach, prayer, preaching, religious affiliation, Resurrection, Salvation Army, sense of belonging, services, small groups, social capital, spiritual needs, Trinity, United Reformed Church, Virgin Birth, volunteering, voting, worship, youth programmes
Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire
Collection Agency: Churches Information for Mission
Sponsor: Church of England, Methodist Church, Baptist Union, United Reformed Church and Salvation Army
Published Source:
Alison Gelder and Phillip Escott, Faith in Life: A Snapshot of Church Life in England at the Beginning of the 21st Century, London: Churches Information for Mission, 2001Phillip Escott and Alison Gelder, Christians: Citizens and Consumers, New Malden: Churches Information for Mission, 2002Phillip Escott and Alison Gelder, Church Life Profile, 2001: Denominational Results for the Methodist Church, New Malden: Churches Information for Mission, 2002Phillip Escott and Alison Gelder, Church Life Profile, 2001: Denominational Results for the Baptist Union, New Malden: Churches Information for Mission, 2002Baptist Times, 16 May 2002Phillip Escott and Alison Gelder, Church Life Profile, 2001: Denominational Results for the United Reformed Church, New Malden: Churches Information for Mission, 2002Youthwork, September 2003, pp. 14-17Methodist Recorder, 8, 15, 22 and 29 January 2004Leslie John Francis, Peter Kaldor, Mandy Robbins and Keith Castle, 'Happy But Exhausted? Work-Related Psychological Health Among Clergy', Pastoral Sciences, Vol. 24, 2005, pp. 101-20Deborah A. Bruce, Samuel J. R. Sterland, Norman E. Brookes and Phillip Escott, 'An International Survey of Congregations and Worshippers: Methodology and Basic Comparisons', Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 27, 2006, pp. 3-12Samuel J. R. Sterland, John Bellamy, Phillip Escott and Keith Castle, 'Attracting and Integrating Newcomers Into Church Life: Research in Four Countries', Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 27, 2006, pp. 39-52Phillip Escott, 'Keep Me Praising 'Til the Break of Day: An Examination of the Worship Experiences of Churchgoers in England', Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 27, 2006, pp. 65-80Leslie John Francis and Charlotte L. Craig, 'Tweenagers in the Church: An Empirical Perspective on Attitude Development', Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 27, 2006, pp. 95-109Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins, Peter Kaldor and Keith Castle, 'Psychological Type and Work-Related Psychological Health among Clergy in Australia, England and New Zealand', Journal of Psychology and Christianity, Vol. 28, 2009, pp. 200-12David Voas and Ingrid Storm, 'The Intergenerational Transmission of Churchgoing in England and Australia', Review of Religious Research, Vol. 53, 2011-12, pp. 377-95Sam Sterland, Ruth Powell, Miriam Pepper, and Nicole Hancock, ‘Vitality in Protestant Congregations: A Large Scale Empirical Analysis of Underlying Factors across Four Countries’, Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 29, 2018, pp. 204-30
BRIN ID: 1343
Multinational study, part of the International Congregational Life Survey, also conducted at the same time in Australia, New Zealand and the United States
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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