Bible-reading, and attitudes to the Bible and its authority (1415)
Type of Data: Bible-reading, and attitudes to the Bible and its authority (1415)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 1999-2001
Geography: England
Sample Size: 404
Population: Church of England churchgoers
Keywords: Abortion, authority, belonging, Bible, charismatic movement, Christianity, church attendance, churchgoing, churchmanship, cohabitation, divorce, dogmatism, Holy Spirit, homosexuality, Islam, literalism, miracles, parables, pre-marital sex, psychological type, truth
Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire
Collection Agency: Andrew Village
Published Source:
Andrew Village, 'Biblical Interpretation Among Church of England Lay People', University of Bristol Ph.D. thesis, 2003Andrew Village, 'Assessing Belief About the Bible: A Study Among Anglican Laity', Review of Religious Research, Vol. 46, 2004-05, pp. 243-54Andrew Village and Leslie John Francis, 'The Relationship of Psychological Type Preferences to Biblical Interpretation', Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2005, pp. 74-89Andrew Village, 'Factors Shaping Biblical Literalism: A Study Among Anglican Laity', Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 26, 2005, pp. 29-38Andrew Village, 'Dimensions of Belief About Miraculous Healing', Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 8, 2005, pp. 97-107Andrew Village, 'Christian Belief About the Bible and the Holy Spirit in Relation to Psychological Type', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 16, 2006, pp. 1-16Andrew Village, 'Biblical Interpretative Horizons and Ordinary Readers: An Empirical Study', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 17, 2006, pp. 157-76Andrew Village, The Bible and Lay People: An Empirical Approach to Ordinary Hermeneutics, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007Andrew Village, 'Feeling In and Falling Out: An Individual Differences Approach to Sense of Belonging and Frequency of Disagreeing Among Anglican Congregations', Archive for the Psychology of Religion, Vol. 29, 2007, pp. 269-88
BRIN ID: 1415
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…