Attitudes to Christianity (1965)
Type of Data: Attitudes to Christianity (1965)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 1986
Geography: Local survey. Dundee (Tayside)
Sample Size: 6098
Population: Eleven- to fifteen-year old pupils attending non-denominational, Roman Catholic and independent secondary schools
Keywords: Bible, Charles Darwin, Christianity, Church, church attendance, churchgoing, creationism, evolution, God, Jesus Christ, prayer, religious education, science, scientism, Sunday school, television
Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire
Collection Agency: Henry M. Gibson
Published Source:
Henry M. Gibson, 'Attitudes to Religion and the Communication of Christian Truth', University of St Andrews Ph.D. thesis, 1989Henry M. Gibson, 'Attitudes to Religion and Science Among School Children Aged 11-16 Years in a Scottish City', Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1989, pp. 5-26Henry M. Gibson, 'Measuring Attitudes Towards Christianity Among 11- to 16-Year-Old Pupils in Non-Denominational Schools in Scotland', Educational Research, Vol. 31, 1989, pp. 221-7Henry M. Gibson and Leslie John Francis, 'Measuring Attitudes Towards Christianity Among 11- to 16-Year-Old Pupils in Catholic Schools in Scotland', Educational Research, Vol. 31, 1989, pp. 65-9Henry M. Gibson, Leslie John Francis and Paul R. Pearson, 'The Relationship Between Social Class and Attitude Towards Christianity Among Fourteen- and Fifteen-Year-Old Adolescents', Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 11, 1990, pp. 631-5Henry M. Gibson, 'Christianity and Young People Today', Life and Work, October 1990, pp. 30-1Leslie John Francis, Henry M. Gibson and Peter Fulljames, 'Attitude Towards Christianity, Creationism, Scientism and Interest in Science Among 11-15 Year Olds', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 13, 1990-91, pp. 4-17Leslie John Francis, Henry M. Gibson and David W. Lankshear, 'The Influence of Protestant Sunday Schools on Attitudes Towards Christianity Among 11-15 Year Olds in Scotland', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 14, 1991-92, pp. 35-42Henry M. Gibson and Leslie John Francis, 'A Profile of Television Viewing and Programme Preferences Among Secondary School Pupils in Scotland', Collected Original Resources in Education, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1992, fiche 2Henry M. Gibson, 'The Influence of Television on Adolescents' Attitudes Towards Christianity', Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1992, pp. 18-30Leslie John Francis, Peter Fulljames and Henry M. Gibson, 'Does Creationism Commend the Gospel? A Developmental Study Among 11-17 Year Olds', Religious Education, Vol. 87, 1992, pp. 19-27Leslie John Francis and Henry M. Gibson, 'Popular Religious Television and Adolescent Attitudes Towards Christianity', The Contours of Christian Education, eds. Jeff Astley and David Day, Great Wakering: McCrimmons, 1992, pp. 369-81Leslie John Francis and Henry M. Gibson, 'The Influence of Age, Sex, Social Class and Religion on Television Viewing Time and Programme Preferences Among 11-15 Year Olds', Journal of Educational Television, Vol. 19, 1993, pp. 25-35Leslie John Francis and Henry M. Gibson, 'Parental Influence and Adolescent Religiosity: A Study of Church Attendance and Attitude Toward Christianity Among Adolescents 11 to 12 and 15 to 16 Years Old', International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Vol. 3, 1993, pp. 241-53William Kilbourne Kay, Leslie John Francis and Henry M. Gibson, 'Attitude Toward Christianity and the Transition to Formal Operational Thinking', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 19, 1996-97, pp. 45-55
BRIN ID: 1965
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…