Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Religious observance, beliefs and attitudes (2329)
Faith Community: General, Christianity
Date: 1968, September-1970, August
Geography: Local survey. Falkirk
Sample Size: 23 ministers or officials, 258 high school pupils, 1115 church attenders (90% response), 169 lay leaders (66% response), 290 residents, 201 church members, 35 non-church members
Population: Ministers or officials responsible for each place of worship, church members, church attenders, lay leaders, Falkirk residents and high school pupils
Keywords: Bible, childhood, Christianity, Christian unity, Church, church attendance, churchgoing, church membership, church office-holding, Church of Scotland, church organizations, clergy, devolution, ecumenism, friends, God, Holy Communion, home religion, lay leadership, marriage, Mass, mixed marriages, politics, prayer, public entertainment, public houses, religious affiliation, Roman Catholic Church, self-assessed religiosity, Sunday, Sunday school, voluntary associations, voting
Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire (high school pupils, church attenders and lay leaders) and face-to-face interview (residents, church members and non-church members)
Collection Agency: Departments of Social Anthropology and Christian Ethics and Practical Theology, University of Edinburgh
Sponsor: Hope Trust and Church and Ministry Department of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Survey Instrument: Sissons, The Social Significance of Church Membership, pp. 327-35, 349-72
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 2329
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…