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Religious beliefs, practices and attitudes, and personal lifestyles (2050)

Type of Data: Religious beliefs, practices and attitudes, and personal lifestyles (2050)

Faith Community: Christianity (Church of Scotland)

Date: 1984, April-June

Geography: Scotland

Sample Size: 408 Church of Scotland members (58% response) and 589 general population (39% response)

Population: Church of Scotland members and adults aged 18 and over in general population

Keywords: Abortion, afterlife, alcohol, Bible, church attendance, churchgoing, church membership, church organizations, Church of Scotland, ecumenism, eternal life, freemasonry, God, heaven, hell, homosexuality, importance of religion, inter-Church co-operation, Jesus Christ, life after death, lifestyle, Orange Order, prayer, pre-marital sex, religious broadcasts, temperance

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: Department of Social Administration, University of Edinburgh

Sponsor: Church of Scotland Board of Social Responsibility

Survey Instrument: Robertson, Lifestyle Survey, pp. 200-9

Published Source:

  • Alexander Robertson, Lifestyle Survey, Edinburgh: Church of Scotland Board of Social Responsibility, 1987

    BRIN ID: 2050


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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