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Religious beliefs, practices and attitudes; paranormal beliefs and behaviour (2357)

Type of Data: Religious beliefs, practices and attitudes; paranormal beliefs and behaviour (2357)

Faith Community: General, Christianity (Roman Catholic Church), Judaism, Alternative

Date: 1970, 8-15 June

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 1395, including booster samples of Roman Catholics and Jews

Population: Adults aged 16 and over

Keywords: Abortion, afterlife, Anglican-Methodist Conversations, authority, baptism, Bible, birth control, bishops, black cat, breaking mirrors, Buddhism, capital punishment, celibacy, Christmas, Church, church and state, church attendance, churchgoing, churchmanship, Church unity, clergy, confession, contraception, Creed, crossing fingers, Day of Atonement, death penalty, devil, divorce, dreams, Easter, eating meat on Fridays, ecumenism, euthanasia, exchanging messages with the dead, fallibility, fortune telling, funerals, ghosts, God, hell, Hinduism, Holy Communion, horoscopes, House of Lords, Islam, Israel, Jesus Christ, Jewish New Year, Jewish state, Jews, Judaism, kosher food, last rites, Latin Mass, Lent, life after death, limbo, lucky charm, lucky mascot, magic rites, marriage in church, Mass, mercy killing, mixed marriages, morality, number 13, one true religion, opening umbrellas indoors, ordination of women, paranormal, Passover, Paul VI, Pope, prayer, predestination, premonition, priests, rabbis, religious affiliation, religious festivals, religious inter-marriage, rhythm method, right and wrong, rites of passage, Roman Catholics, Sabbath observance, self-assessed religiosity, shopping, signs of the zodiac, spiritualism, stars, Sunday school, superstition, Ten Commandments, throwing salt, touching wood, transubstantiation, Trinity, vernacular, Virgin Birth, walking under ladders, weddings, witchcraft, Yom Kippur

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: National Opinion Polls (now part of GfK NOP)

Sponsor: Daily Mail

Published Source:

  • Daily Mail, 5 January 1971
  • Church Times, 28 May 1971

    BRIN ID: 2357


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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