Attitudes of British Jews to Israel’s government and politicians (4264)
Type of Data: Attitudes of British Jews to Israel’s government and politicians (4264)
Faith Community: Judaism
Date: 2023, 3-25 January
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 711
Population: Self-identifying Jews (including secular and non-practising) aged 18 and over
Keywords: Inclusion of far-right politicians in Israeli government, Israel, Jewish community leaders meeting far-right Israeli politicians, Jewish identity, Jewish News, publicly express concern about Israeli government, Survation, views of Jewish people who do not live in Israel
Collection Method: Telephone interview (landline and mobile) in the main, with some online interviews
Collection Agency: Survation
Sponsor: Jewish News
Published Source:
Jewish News, 17 February 2023
BRIN ID: 4264
Respondents were mostly drawn from a pre-recruited panel of self-identifying Jews, with others recruited on the basis of a probability of their ethnicity (as reflected in demographic indicators) but subject to confirmation of their self-identification as Jewish. Data were weighted by age, sex, and region to be representative of the overall Jewish population, using targets derived from the 2011 census of population.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…