Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Engagement in spiritual activities before and during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, with special reference to prayer (4061)
Faith Community: General
Date: 2020, 24-27 April
Geography: United Kingdom
Sample Size: 2101
Population: Adults aged 18 and over
Keywords: Asked someone to say a prayer, church attendance, contacted a religious worker, Covid-19 pandemic, faith leaders, God can answer prayer, God hears my prayers, listened to a religious service, listened to religious music, lockdown, meditated or done a mindfulness activity, people living in poverty in developing countries, prayer, prayer changes the world, prayer changes what happens in life, provide information and guidance, reading a religious text, reasons for prayer, religious affiliation, religious broadcasting, Savanta ComRes, spiritual activities, subjects of prayer, Tearfund, trust, watched a religious service, witnessed answers to prayer
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: Savanta ComRes
Sponsor: Tearfund
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 4061
Posted by: Clive D. Field
British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.
Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…