Attendance at church-based activities by children under 5 years and their parents during the previous year (4055)
Type of Data: Attendance at church-based activities by children under 5 years and their parents during the previous year (4055)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 2020, 6-28 February
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 1182, with booster samples of active Christian parents (202), fringe parents (1020), and unreached parents (309)
Population: Parents of children aged 0-4
Keywords: Active Christian parents, annual festival, baptism, Bible, children, Christian faith, church attendance, Church of England, church-based activities, confident or unconfident, easy or difficult, Evangelical Alliance, explore religious beliefs, family service, fete, fringe parents, HOPE Together, invited non-Christian parents, messy church, prayer, pre-school playgroup, regular contacts with non-Christian parents, religious affiliation, Savanta ComRes, self-assessed spirituality, sharing faith, spiritual person, Sunday school, Sunday worship, supported or unsupported, Talking Toddlers, toddler group, unreached parents, welcome or unwelcome
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: Savanta ComRes
Sponsor: HOPE Together, Church of England, and Evangelical Alliance
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 4055
74% of respondents (unweighted) in the main sample were women. Results for the three booster samples were unweighted, those for the main sample were weighted by gender, age, and region to be representative of all British parents with children aged 0-4.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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