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Importance of understanding religious festivals and confidence about retelling the stories surrounding them (3930)

Type of Data: Importance of understanding religious festivals and confidence about retelling the stories surrounding them (3930)

Faith Community: General, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism

Date: 2018, December

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 2000

Population: Adults aged 18 and over

Keywords: Christmas, confidence, Diwali, Easter, Eid-el-Fitr, Hannukah, National Association of Teachers of Religious Education, religious affiliation, Religious Education Council of England and Wales, religious festivals, understanding, YouGov

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: YouGov

Sponsor: National Association of Teachers of Religious Education and Religious Education Council of England and Wales

BRIN ID: 3930


Posted by: Clive D. Field

British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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