Census of the numbers, names, gender, age, occupation and length of residence of known Roman Catholics (2534)
Type of Data: Census of the numbers, names, gender, age, occupation and length of residence of known Roman Catholics (2534)
Faith Community: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)
Date: 1767
Geography: England and Wales
Sample Size: 67928
Population: Known Roman Catholics
Keywords: Papists, Roman Catholics
Collection Method: Returns by Anglican incumbents
Collection Agency: Bishops of the Church of England and their clergy
Sponsor: House of Lords
Published Source:
House of Lords Record Office, Main Papers, 21 December 1767 (Papist Returns, 1767)Edward Stanislaus Worrall, 'The Number of Essex Papists in 1767', Essex Recusant, Vol. 1, 1959, pp. 34-6Kevin M. Macgrath, 'Catholicism in Devon and Cornwall, 1767', Buckfast Chronicle, Vol. 30, 1960, pp. 136-66Ann M. C. Forster, 'Catholicism in the Diocese of Durham in 1767', Ushaw Magazine, No. 215, July 1962, pp. 68-92Marie Bernadette Rowlands, 'Staffordshire Papists in 1767', Staffordshire Catholic History, No. 6, Summer 1965, pp. 2-42, No. 7, Autumn 1965, pp. 1-46Norman Mutton, 'Shropshire Recusants in 1706, 1767 and 1780', Worcestershire Recusant, No. 24, December 1974, pp. 18-31, No. 25, June 1975, pp. 28-42, No. 26, December 1975, pp. 21-5'The 1767 Return of Staffordshire Papists', ed. Michael Washington Greenslade, Staffordshire Catholic History, No. 17, 1977, pp. 1-59Edward Stanislaus Worrall, 'Catholics in the Canterbury Diocese in 1767', Kent Recusant History, No. 1, Spring 1979, pp. 13-19Judith F. Champ, 'St Martin's Parish, Birmingham in 1767: A Study of Urban Catholicism', Recusant History, Vol. 15, 1979-81, pp. 342-69Returns of Papists, 1767, ed. Edward Stanislaus Worrall, Catholic Record Society Occasional Publication Nos. l-2, [London]: the Society, 1980-89Jean-Alain Lesourd, Sociologie du catholicisme anglais, 1767-1851, Nancy: Publications Université Nancy II, 1981, pp. 21-92, 169-77Edward Stanislaus Worrall, 'Returns of Papists, 1767', Catholic Ancestor, Vol. 3, 1990-91, pp. 22-6John P. Perkins and Pauline M. Litton, Roman Catholics in North West Yorkshire, Covering the Deaneries of Boroughbridge, Catterick, Richmond & Parts of Lonsdale: Extracted from Returns of Papists, 1767, Diocese of Chester, Harrogate: the authors, 1990John P. Perkins and Pauline M. Litton, Roman Catholics in the Diocese of Durham, Covering Those Parts of Northumberland and County Durham in the Diocese of Durham: Extracted from Returns of Papists, 1767, Harrogate: the authors, 1991Joy Rowe, 'The 1767 Census of Papists in the Diocese of Norwich: The Social Composition of the Roman Catholic Community', Religious Dissent in East Anglia, III: Proceedings of the Third Symposium, ed. David Chadd, Norwich: Centre of East Anglian Studies, University of East Anglia, 1996, pp. 187-234Sylvia Watts, 'The 1767 Return of Papists in the Archdeaconry of Coventry', Midland Catholic History, No. 5, 1996, pp. 5-30Sylvia Watts, 'The 1767 Returns of Papists in the Archdeaconry of Derby', Midland Catholic History, No. 6, 1998, pp. 18-38English Catholics of Parish and Town, 1558-1778, ed. Marie Bernadette Rowlands, Catholic Record Society Publications, Monograph Series Vol. 5, London: the Society, 1999, pp. 261-356Sylvia Watts, 'The 1767 Return of Papists in the Archdeaconry of Salop', Midland Catholic History, No. 7, 2000, pp. 27-39Pauline M. Litton, 'Return of Papists, 1767: Some Yorkshire Returns', Catholic Ancestor, Vol. 8, 2000-01, pp. 65-72
BRIN ID: 2534
In addition to the main manuscript source at the House of Lords Record Office, parochial returns survive for some dioceses in county and diocesan record offices. For a comment on under-enumeration in the source, and references to other published editions, see Clive Douglas Field, ‘Non-Recurrent Christian Data’, Religion, Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources, Vol. 20, ed. Wynne Frederick Maunder, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987, pp. 254-5
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…